
一个主要的障碍遵守康复治疗是对患者的部分,造成的疲劳和无法逾越的努力的感情努力差。如果体育锻炼感觉很费力的一个可能不愿意发挥所需的工作量,而如果锻炼感觉少付出努力的人们可以更容易坚持下去。尽管基于工作量的判断的普及,以及它们在各种神经系统疾病的破坏,负责体力的主观估价机制得到有限的调查。该提案的核心假设是,个人的主观努力估值体现在她的运动皮质的兴奋性的内在,而这指标是疾病状态敏感。我们将执行在健康人参加实验;和一组参与者患有多发性硬化(MS)的。我们已经开发出一种新型的基于工作量的选择模式,使我们能够获得的目标而做出个人的主观估价的准确客观的衡量。我们将使用这种方法,结合计算模型,功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,无创脑刺激,调查负责的努力主观估价机制。在目标1,我们将研究电机生理学如何影响健康参与者主观努力的估值。我们将使用经颅磁刺激(TMS),以非侵入性探针参与者的运动皮层的生理特性; and we will have the same participants make decisions about effort while they are scanned with fMRI, and use this data to computationally model their subjective valuation of effort and associated brain activity. These experiments will allow us to test the relationships between an individual's representations of effort value and motor physiology. In Aim 2 we will identify the mechanisms of subjective effort valuation in patients with MS. We will use TMS and fMRI to investigate the neural and behavioral representations of effort value in MS. These experiments will shed light on the neural circuits that are disrupted in individuals with MS, suffering from feelings of fatigue. Our studies will have a broad impact on the fields of decision-making and motor control by dissecting the fundamental mechanisms responsible for physical effort valuation. This work will provide an understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying disrupted feelings of effort in MS, and may eventually reveal neurobehavioral markers and neuromodulatory interventions to aid in the prediction and treatment of rehabilitation non-compliance.
