由NIH 1R56MH113627-01A1支持

任务的努力程度是人类决策的一个组成部分,决定了动机。如果一项任务让我们觉得很费力,我们可能不愿意完成任务,而如果一项任务让我们觉得不那么费力,我们可能更有可能坚持下去。尽管这些认知对决策的重要性,主观努力评估的行为和神经机制还没有被很好地理解。此外,美国国家精神卫生研究院(NIMH)研究领域标准(RDoC)已经确定“努力评估/工作意愿”作为理解精神障碍的动机表现缺陷的一个关键子结构。这一提议的目的是理解身体和认知努力的主观评价机制,以及这些表征背后的共同和不同系统。为此,我们将结合健康人体实验、行为计算模型和功能磁共振成像(fMRI)。在目标1中,我们将识别共同和不同的身体和认知努力评估机制。我们将计算模拟参与者对身体和认知努力的主观评价,以测试这些不同类型的努力的主观偏好是否有相似之处。我们将使用基于模型的fMRI检查共同和不同的大脑区域,这些区域编码身体和认知努力的主观评价,以及包含这种偏好以激发努力参与的大脑区域网络。在目标2中,我们将研究身体和认知疲劳影响努力评价的行为和神经机制。 We will fatigue participants with sustained physical or cognitive exertion and examine how being in a fatigued state influences subjective valuation of physical and cognitive effort; and associated signals in the brain's valuation network. In Aim 3 we will explore how motivational state modulates decisions to exert physical and cognitive effort. We will pair choices for physical and cognitive effort with motivational cues (i.e., cues that formerly predicted reward) in order to modulate participants' motivational state. This manipulation will allow us to behaviorally and neurally dissociate motivation from effort valuation in order to understand how these processes interact to give rise to motivated physical and cognitive engagement. In sum, our proposed studies will have a broad impact on the field of decision-making by dissecting the behavioral and neural mechanisms responsible for physical and cognitive effort valuation. In the long term, these studies may reveal novel behavioral and neural markers to aid in the study, classification, and treatment of amotivation.
